7 Second Date Hacks Every Girl Should Know

Mar 25, 2024

If you had an incredible first date or you failed to make that first good impression, you have all the chances to win his heart on your second date. You can’t take time back and change what you said or did yesterday, but you can decide what you are going to do tonight (or any other day you have a second date). And this is where I want to help you out. Keep these essential second date hacks in mind and trust me he will fall in love with you instantly.

1 Forget about your first date

If you are going to tell your crush what you said on the first date, he may end up thinking you are a blah-blah-blah type of girl who is just trying to show herself. The same goes for your behavior. Take time to reconsider your first date conversation points, and try to come up with the new ones for your second date. This way, you will show him that you are truly interested in chatting with him.

Read also – 7 Biggest First Date Deal Breakers

2 Avoid asking him stupid questions

Questions about his fears, exes, failures, funniest date mistakes, etc are a big no-no. Also, those banal, boring questions like, “How was your day?” “How is your mom?” or “What are you going to do tonight?” are already outdated. Ask only thoughtful questions that will not make him feel awkward or bored.

3 Don’t pretend to be cool

Pretending on the second date may prevent you from going to the third one. Guys are not blind and they can easily see if the girl is pretending. Stay yourself. Whether you are an introvert who would rather stay home and read a book than go to the party or an extrovert who would ditch any book and get drunk tonight, don’t fret to show it. After all, he will definitely learn about it down the road.

4 Stay a bit mysterious

And I do mean ‘a bit.’ Revealing every tiny fact about yourself can make him quickly lose interest in you. Make him want to get to know you better by telling him a little information about yourself so that he could find out more on the third date.

5 Avoid being too clingy

Although clingy girls seem to have more success when it comes to getting a boyfriend, guys rarely stay in a long-term relationship with a clingy girl. If you want to get closer to him, it is okay, but do not suffocate him with your affections.

6 Forget about your social media

Technology plays a special role in our lives, but let’s go back to the times where our grandparents knew nothing about Instagram or Facebook. Their dates were interesting, bright, and most importantly successful because they listened to each other and were completely focused on each other. Follow this piece of advice if you want him to ask you out on a third date.

Read also – 8 Ways to Know If He Wants to Kiss You

7 Figure out his life priorities

Pay attention to the way he talks about his job, relationship, friends, etc. Do you think he wants to build a long-term relationship? If you notice that he is trying to just get in your pants, you probably don’t need him, do you?

These are some of the most important second date hacks you should know today. If you are good at dating and you have some other tips, feel free to share your experience with us in the comment section.