11. Avoid Touching Pimples

Squeezing acne is a direct path to the skin and later to systemic diseases. Rashes can form in any area where there are sebaceous glands. It is impossible to crush pimples of any localization. In this case, the skin is injured, and microorganisms that are harmless to intact skin are introduced from dirty hands into the wound.

It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out elements that appear only as redness. Instead of letting the pus rise on its own and come to the surface, the contents will go deeper into the skin, due to which inflammation can spread through the subcutaneous tissue.

The best option is to leave the rash alone. However, if the pimple interferes, you must treat it with a cotton swab with special drying and disinfecting preparations. With severe pain and the location of the abscess in the nasolabial triangle, be sure to consult a doctor and do not self-medicate.