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9. Bring Your Reusable Bags When Shopping

Single-use plastic bags are a major contributor to environmental pollution. They take hundreds of years to decompose, and many end up in landfills and oceans, where they harm wildlife and ecosystems. As consumers, we can take simple steps to reduce our use of these bags and contribute to a healthier planet.

One way to avoid single-use plastic bags and improve the environment is to bring your own reusable bags when shopping. Many retailers now offer reusable bags for purchase, or you can bring your own cloth or canvas bags from home. These bags are durable, long-lasting, and can be used again and again, reducing the amount of waste you generate.

Another way to reduce your use of single-use plastic bags is to choose products with minimal or no packaging. This can include buying fresh produce and bringing your own cloth produce bags or using reusable containers for bulk items.

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