FAQs: Most interesting questions about elephants

What is special about an elephant?

Elephants have the largest brain among land animals. It weighs five kilograms. Elephants are believed to have a wide range of behaviors and skills. For example, they experience sadness, worry, and boredom, help relatives, and also have some ability to practice music and drawing.

Why are elephants loyal?

Elephants know how to be friends – they are always loyal and faithful friends. Elephants love their relatives just as humans do – members of the same family are very attached to each other. If an elephant suddenly has an accident, all elephants will rush to his aid and help him as best they can.

Do elephants fall in love?

Elephants love their relatives just as humans do – members of the same family are very attached to each other. These animals use many visual signals, sounds, and touches to communicate. After several days of separation, for example, the meeting of elephants from the same family is accompanied by a noisy greeting ceremony. The elephants are incredibly excited: they make loud noises, intertwine their trunks and cross their tusks, flap their ears, and so on.

What do elephants love the most?

Elephants are vegetarians. Their stomachs accept vegetation grinded into mush grass and small bushes in the African savanna and leaves, tree branches, roots, and fruits in tropical Asia. Most of all, however, elephants love sweets. Gingerbread, candy, and chocolate are the elephant’s most delicious treats.