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12. Repair Broken Items Instead of Buying New Ones

Repairing broken items instead of buying new ones is also considered one of the most effective ways to reduce waste and improve the environment. Rather than automatically throwing away a broken item and buying a new one, repairing it can help to reduce the amount of waste in landfills and conserve valuable resources.

With the abundance of DIY tutorials available online, community repair workshops, and local repair shops, repairing items has become easier than ever. Clothing, for example, can be repaired with basic sewing skills, and electronics can often be repaired by a professional technician. When items cannot be repaired, recycling is the next best option.

Repairing items not only benefits the environment but can also be more cost-effective than purchasing a brand new item. By extending the life of our possessions, we develop a sense of responsibility and appreciation for what we own. Repairing broken items can also encourage a more mindful approach to consumption.

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