10 Proven Tips for Disciplining a Toddler

Jan 28, 2019

Toddlerhood is a particularly challenging time for parents. It is around the age of two or three that children first learn that they are individuals with the power to make independent choices. Yet, they still are helpless little children who can’t reason and communicate properly.

From carelessly hurting other children to refusing to get in the car seat, young children at this age dream up all kinds of bothersome behaviors on a daily basis, leaving their parents with the challenge of finding effective ways to enforce discipline.

Whatever method you favor, you need to make sure that you do not damage your child’s tender spirit in the process. You do not want a cure that is worse than the disease. Try these tips for disciplining a toddler.

1 Add in something agreeable

If you need your toddler to do something like turn off the TV and come to bed, you can be firm about bedtime, but add in that the two of you can do something fun along the way. The child can pick whatever book he wants to read, or pick the flavor to add to his bedtime glass of milk. This allowance can make your child feel like he is still in control.