When You Should Ask Your Man to Marry You

Dec 21, 2017

Did I hear a loud whoop whoop from the feministas in the back? Although there might still be some groups of people against the idea of asking a man to marry you, it has been a long time coming that we started having topics like this directed at women and there are so few out there.

We are now taking control of our finances, education, careers, fitness, hair, skin, just about everything into our own hands, and charting our course. Why not also take our love lives and marital destinies into our hands, deciding when we move to the next stage?

No reason?

Yeah, I thought so. So, when is the right time to sweep your man off his feet and ask him to marry you? For some of us, we would rather get asked, rather get our big beautiful surprise proposal with the ring, the flashing lights, cake, you know the rest. But for others, it does not matter, and they do not mind asking.

If you are the latter, this post is for you. First things first, make sure you are considering this for the right reasons – because you want to spend the rest of your life with this person and not just because maybe it is time to be married.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, you should ask your man to marry you when:

1 You are ready

You have thought through it, and you have no doubts about your readiness for this step. You want to take the plunge and get married. It would be rude to ask, and then change your mind after he agrees, you know? You must be ready and able to make this commitment and stick to it.

2 He is ready

When you have been in a relationship enough to be considering marriage, you should get a sense of your partner’s stand and whether or not he is ready to or even considering marriage. It is a bad idea to use proposals as a tool to push someone who is not on the same page so make sure he is.

Read also – 5 Quick Tricks to Spot a Time Wasting Relationship

3 He is in a good place

Men do not like being approached when they are down financially, struggling at work or with their family or some other thing. It feels like too much pressure, and you know how men get when they withdraw and go into a problem-solving mode in their man cave. Make sure he is not distracted, make sure he is in a good place, maybe even pamper him and prep him up to be in the right mood.

4 You are tired of waiting

Yes, this is a valid reason to ask. So, you are ready, by all indications he is ready. You both have everything you need to begin a life together even if you are not where you could be. So, you are wondering why it is not happening.

Errr, well, make it happen, sister. You should not be stuck waiting. Ask. If he wants to get married, then good. If not, that is not something to be afraid of. You want to know at this point and exit if it is not for you.

Read also – I Will Give Him a Third Chance Without a Second Thought

5 You want to change the narrative

It might sound a bit radical but really, why are we sticking with the tradition that it is a man’s place to propose? We say we are equal and there is nothing they can do that we can’t. This is true, so why not proposing?

If you love your partner and he loves you, then who cares about who will propose first? It is your life and your choice, so stop being afraid of doing what you want to do.