To the Girls Who Feel Like They Do Not Belong to This World

“I am not like the other girls.” Does it sound familiar to you? Do you feel like you do not belong to this world? My friend often says, “I was born in the wrong time and in the wrong place.” While I have trouble understanding this statement, I do feel like I should have lived in the other world – the world where people treat each other with respect and where love is overbrimming.

I feel like I do not belong to this world

Each day starts the same: I wake up, do some stretches, have my breakfast, spend the whole day completing the tasks, solving the problems, and doing the chores, but at the end of the day it is only me and my thoughts.

I am not single and I have a SO and close people I love and I am sure they love me as well. I have friends who are always there for me. But no one of them understands my inner world. No one of them understands my way of thinking – my way of living. I feel like I exist rather than live. I feel like everything around me is strange and pointless. I feel like everything I do has no sense. I feel like I do not belong to this world.

Read also – 5 Ways to Encourage Yourself When You Feel Defeated

It is the state of soul

Let me clear it out first. I am not suicidal and I have never thought of hurting myself and leaving this world. I am not esoteric who dreams of getting lost among the stars. I am a human being just like you are. If you are reading this and you feel like you relate to this too, you know what I am talking about. You are not the only one who feels like you do not fit in.

I often have to pretend to fit in and try to live like others live. I do things I do not enjoy and listen to the stories and problems I do not care to understand. I love to spend time in my own world where I do not feel different – where I feel myself. It is not the state of mind; it is the state of soul that I do embrace.

I push myself in ways that often stretch me to tears

Since I do live in this world, I have to adjust to the daily situations, accept horrible people, and stay calm when someone keeps driving me crazy. It is not easy to be a “misfit,” after all. I rarely show or express my emotions in front of others but whenever I have alone moment I can spend it crying with no obvious reason.

Despite the sad part of being “misfit,” I have a purpose in life. Yes, I am a deep thinker and empath and I can’t see people around me chasing stupid goals and wasting their lives. However, I feel gratitude. I am even grateful for being able to feel and cry – enjoy and smile. I am grateful for having a chance of living in this world. I know I do not belong to it, but I am happy to be blessed with this existing. You should be, too.

Read also – 5 Ways to Turn Yourself from People Pleaser into Self Pleaser

My major advice to the girls who feel like they do not belong to the modern world is to stop caring about others and focus on your happiness instead. Stop pretending. Stop feeling like there is something wrong with you.

You are unique and you are amazing. You are the one who is able to contribute to making THIS world a better place for the next generations. Just embrace it and do not ignore your true calling.