5 Quick Tricks to Spot a Time Wasting Relationship
Let’s face it, relationships are great. Love is a beautiful thing. It comes in with all the butterflies and that unexplainable feeling that gives you happiness, but this, on the other hand, can cloud your judgment if you are not careful.
Do you know that you can be in a relationship that is clearly heading nowhere, but because you are love struck, it is not visible to you? How can you spot a time wasting relationship? These few indicators can help you figure it out.
1 You are not a priority and being taken for granted
If a relationship is going to be successful, then you both need to get your priority right. If you are in a relationship with someone and you do not feel that you are his priority, perhaps he is not taking you seriously enough to be in a lasting relationship with him.
Dating him should make you feel generally good, and if he makes you feel predominantly neglected, that is the clearest sign you have been wasting your time in a fruitless relationship.
2 When you have not been introduced to people he loves
If a guy has any intention of making his relationship with you serious, one of the surest signs is when your partner introduces you to his friends and parent. If you have no clue of who his friends are and if he has not introduced you to his parents or mention you at all after dating for a long time, then maybe he does not see you as a future partner and you might just be wasting your time I that relationship.
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3 You lack intimacy
A great sexual connection is highly important in a relationship. And when it is gone, it is a clear sign that things are taking a turn for the worst. Even simple touches like holding hands, cuddle, and peck on the lips all demonstrate a level of intimacy in a relationship.
If you and your partner lack any understanding and intimacy, it may be best to break up. Do not waste your time in a relationship that does not make both of you happy.
4 You enjoy the company of others more
if you are in a relationship and you enjoy intimate and emotional conversations or interactions with someone else who is not your partner rather than the guy you are in a relationship with, this is a sign that you are in a wrong relationship. This is because there is obviously a communication breakdown and if it cannot be fixed, I suggest you move on.
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5 You are in a relationship with a serial cheater
If you are in a relationship with someone who is unapologetically a serial cheat, please move ahead from that relationship. A pattern of repeated cheating is not a healthy sign from someone who is ready to be committed to a relationship.
If you happen to be in a fruitless relationship, remember it is your happiness that matters the most. Time is precious so think about it.