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7. Lower Cholesterol Levels

The high fiber and pectin content of mangoes helps to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. Cholesterol is a type of fat found in your blood; high levels of it can increase your risk of heart disease.

Mango is rich in fiber and pectin, both beneficial for reducing cholesterol levels. The mango fiber helps bind to cholesterol in the digestive system and prevents it from being absorbed into the bloodstream. Pectin is a type of soluble fiber that has been shown to lower LDL (harmful) cholesterol levels in the blood.

Furthermore, mango contains compounds called sterols that have been found to block cholesterol absorption in the intestines. This means that when you eat mango, your body can absorb less cholesterol in your food.

Several studies have found that consuming mango regularly can significantly reduce total cholesterol levels, LDL cholesterol levels, and triglycerides. One study showed that participants who consumed mango for six weeks saw a 20% reduction in their LDL cholesterol levels.

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