4 Incredible Fashion Industry Jobs to Try
Many people dream of being involved in the exciting world of global fashion distribution. This goal may seem out of reach for the average person, but believe it or not, there are jobs in the fashion industry for all different types of people.
If you have always wanted a job in the global fashion distribution industry, you will be happy to know that while some industries have suffered during the current economic climate, the fashion industry is still very strong. The following is a list of jobs in the fashion industry that you may wish to consider if you are looking for a new job.
1 Fashion commentator
If you are an outgoing person who enjoys writing or is not shy about public speaking and you have a flair for fashion, you should consider a career as a fashion commentator. You can begin working as a fashion commentator quite easily, but it may take a while before you are able to make a living doing it.
Starting a blog is one way to step into the exciting world of the fashion commentator. You will then need to attract an audience. After you have become established, you can apply to newspapers, television studios, popular blogs – the list is endless. There are many opportunities out there for fashion commentators, it is simply a matter of finding them.
2 Fashion warehouse staff
Believe it or not, not every job in the fashion industry is glamorous. Every design house needs to have a warehouse to store and inventory its stock of garments, and every fashion warehouse needs staff.
Some positions you will generally find in a fashion warehouse include forklift operators, truck drivers, foremen, and inventory control clerks. By working for a fashion warehouse, you can be a part of the fashion industry, even if you do not wish to interact with the public in your job.
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3 Garment technician
If you are a person who loves to learn about many different types of fabric, you may want to think about a career as a garment technician. A garment technician is a crucially important part of any fashion design team.
Fashion designers and clothing manufacturers regularly employ garment technicians. They rely on them for advice on issues such as which fabrics are the best for a particular design and which designs need further revisions or modifications before they will be market ready. Best of all, as a garment technician you can play an active role in the design process.
4 Export coordinator
If you are an organized person who is able to multitask, you should consider a career as an export coordinator. Export coordinators make sure that shipments goods are ready to go on schedule, and that they reach their destination at the proper time. Export coordinators also take measures to ensure that items do not get held up in customs for a long time.
While the job description of an export coordinator may not be as glamorous as that of a garment technician, it is just as important as any job. Without export coordinators, global brands could not hope to have as much of an international presence.
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The global fashion industry is a large field with many different types of jobs for many different types of people. These are just four of the many jobs you can choose if you wish to be a part of the fashion industry.
Global fashion distribution continues to be a thriving industry, even in the present economic climate. If you have a passion for fashion, follow it. You just might find the job of your dreams. Best of luck.